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1. To have collegiate privilege for the entire year, I could reach this by keeping up my grades and my attendance. 


2. Receive an award at the award ceremony, I could be able to receive this by working harder in all of my classes.


3. Make all A's because it would make my GPA go up more and, I could reach this goal by going to tutorials and asking for help more often.    


This Year's Goals 

1. To have all A's and B's, I could reach this goal by finishing all my work on time and not procrastinating.


2. To come to school everyday and if i do miss a day make sure to recieve all the homework and class work i missed.


3. Start going to tutorials more often and understanding the work assigned better.


Next Years Goals

1. Take more HCC classes.


2. Stop procrastinating.


3. Make all A's throughout the school year. 

Last Year's Goals 

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